In Bits & Pieces

O Eternal Knitter, Most Creative Potter, you who gather pieces in the whirl of chaos and create a beautiful new whole: hold me together. I am unraveling, chipping; my shoulders are tight with knots my spirit is raw from spinning and the world is quaking with the...

Lent 31: Scattered

Is there grace for me to be scattered? Is there even gift in it somewhere? I want to be gathered in, drawn close, secured and grounded, but instead I am scattered like pollen on the cool spring breeze. The stories you tell of scattered peoples decry unfaithfulness and...

Lent 30: Head-to-Toe Praise

Honor the LORD with your very being. (Proverbs 3:9a, adapted) Praise! Praise God with the light of your eyes, with their bright gleam of joy! Praise! Praise God with the restful pose of your shoulders, with their willingness to cede control! Praise! Praise God with...


Not the life of ghosts, O my God, but the life of being do I wholly seek. To live not in apparition or fleeting vision but in flesh and in tangible connection. Let dry bones crumble to dust; do not waste time rebuilding muscle but start fresh! Start fresh in me, I...

Looking into a Mirror

Have you had the experience of looking into a mirror, checking yourself over, walking away … and then returning to the mirror, because you don’t remember checking your hair or necktie? Perhaps you’ve had the experience of checking yourself in the...

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