
In every dawn veiled by silent fog, before the sun scatters its mystery; In every dark crevice of earth’s womb, before the seed breaks open to root; In every gasp of the unknown, before certainty cements itself: a miracle of wild...

How Shall I Receive You?

As an ass, playing the role of jester? As the outlandish actor in the scene, cast to make the comfortable laugh and the disenchanted daydream? As a stone, the unseen understudy? As the patient watcher in the wings, ready to leap up and shout one line if only the leads...

Eastertide Psalm: Peace

O people, blessed are you who come in the name of the One who was and will be. In death, in life, in renewal the Promise says to the mourner: “Peace be with you even when the wounds seem to suggest peace is not possible.” O people, blessed are you who come...


Praise God with trumpet sound, with lute and harp! Praise God with tambourine and dance, with strings and pipe! Praise God with clanging cymbals; praise God with loud clashing cymbals! – Psalm 150:3-5 (NRSV, adapted for inclusive language)  I grew up in a quiet...


“Do not hold on,” you said, and so we empty our expectations of their aspirations for control. Hallelujah! “Go and tell,” you said, and so we release life’s miracles from the duty of explanation. Hallelujah! “Wait and see,”...

Heart and Soul

Here is my heart, O Holy Life: ancient with the dust of stars, new as the day I was born. What use can it possibly have if it beats only for itself? Here is my soul, O Mystery: reluctantly tethered to flesh, marked with scars and calluses. Who else can recognize it...

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