
Praise the Lord! Praise God, sun and moon; praise God, all you shining stars! Praise God from the earth, you sea monsters and creatures of the depths, you fire and hail, snow and frost! (Psalm 148:1-2 & 7-8, NRSV adapted) What makes the T-Rex dinosaur a scientific...

Advent II: Earth

“Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain.” Isaiah 40:4, NRSV Peace to the valley, the cradle of death. Peace to the mountain, the beacon of change. Peace...

Praying as Jesus Taught

Thirty sparrows clamor around the bird feeder while a squirrel plots its route to the same, and I wonder if this is faithfulness: to know what is needed and to crave it solely. Give us this day our daily bread, for you will give what is good, O God. Now let us be...


This is the Lord our God, whose judgments are in all the earth. God is always mindful of the holy promise, of the word that God commanded, for a thousand generations. – Psalm 105:7-8 (NRSV adapted) It can be hard to exorcise harmful theology from our psyches....

Joy in the Morning

Which of you desires life, and covets many days to enjoy good? O taste and see that the Lord is good. – Psalm 34:12 & 8a (NRSV)  The sounds of rain on the pavement and wind through the trees outside my window wake me up. The sun is content to bide its...


Now I lay me down to sleep.I pray the sun’s rays not to weepor linger o’er our earthly achesbut whisper “peace” as stars awake. Now to rest in awe of night,to wonder as celestial heightssing lullabies of mysterythat put our turbulence at ease....

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