Rachel G. Hackenberg
Rachel G. Hackenberg is an ordained United Church of Christ minister with degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and Colgate University. Her achievements include the Jagow Prize in Homiletics (2007), Joe R. Engle Preaching Fellowship (2009), and Adese Fellowship (2020).
Currently Rachel serves as Publisher for The Pilgrim Press. Her professional experience includes pastoral ministry, curriculum development, denominational polity, Christian formation, theological education, and outdoor ministry. Rachel has written online for RevGalBlogPals, the Stillspeaking Daily Devotional, and The Huffington Post.
Speaking Engagements
It is a pleasure to speak with pastors & preachers, students & teachers, churches & religious groups, writers & seekers on themes of life and faith and the words that connect us. A select list of events at which I’ve spoken is outlined below.
In all settings, I create authentic space in which we can stretch our spirits through reflection and conversation. Please email me to discuss a keynote or preaching invitation, workshop or retreat event, or other potential speaking engagement.
Keynote Events and Workshops
Events at which Rachel has keynoted and/or led workshops (select list):
- New York Women (United Church of Christ) Annual Conference
- Church World Service Annual Member Meeting
- Episcopal Church in Connecticut Clergy Retreat
- United Church of Christ Clergywomen Retreat
- International Association of Women Ministers Retreat
- Central Pacific Conference (United Church of Christ) Clergy Retreat
- International Protestant Church Polity Study Group
- Darkwood Brew
- RevGalBlogPals’ Big Event