Apr 14, 2022 | death, Jesus, prayer
Love me until the end, O Christ, until the ashes of this body match the dust of these feet, and together they fold into the holiness of earth’s soil. Love me until the end, O Christ, until every word is finished and every argument laid to rest in the shallow...
Nov 12, 2021 | discipleship, grace, prayer
From dawn to dusk, from dusk to dawn, O God guide our breaths, our lives, our loves. We are fragile and frail, O Eternal Glory. We are so full of pride that we downplay our faults, and so full of faults that we downplay our possibilities. What is the sky to a speck of...
Oct 31, 2021 | courage, images of God, prayer
Do not ask us to turn back, O Mother,or to return to what has been;although there is beauty in the past,we cannot remain therenor do we wish to relivethe milestones of pain and grief thatbrought us from the past to this day. Do not ask us to go back, O Mother,where...
Oct 12, 2021 | lament, prayer
Consider, O God, those pounding at the door for your justice, for your steadfast love, for your deliverance. Will you not answer? We are fainting on your front porch, weary with grief. Can you not spare a cup of mercy? In your house is peace; will you not let us in?...
Oct 4, 2021 | nature, prayer
Now I lay me down to sleep.I pray the sun’s rays not to weepor linger o’er our earthly achesbut whisper “peace” as stars awake. Now to rest in awe of night,to wonder as celestial heightssing lullabies of mysterythat put our turbulence at ease....
Jun 20, 2021 | confession, discipleship, grace, prayer
There is Goliath, o my God, and there and there! Do not let my heart fail before these giants in trust that even giants are limited. The wind is rising, o my God, and the waves are crashing! Do not let my peace be broken or my faith swept away, secure in knowing I too...