Third Sunday in Lent (Ephemeral)

A wisp of wind, a passing moment, a grace note: let me be glad just to have known it grateful for the warm breath on my cheek for the caring space between words for the music which cannot be held. At your invitation, O God, I will be still and savor this life that is...

Lent 12 (A Psalm in Negatives)

You are not like other gods, who leave us to our own devices without shedding a tear when we cry out in realization of what we’ve done. You do not abandon us in the night, losing track of time while you cavort with the Seven Sisters, forgetting to herald the...

All That I Don’t Know

the wrinkled rhinoceros the stretch of clouds the red moon the next move in chess the juggler’s rhythm the touch screen and more: the fulfillment of God’s Kindom the final success of Love the tenacity of Hope but I am too familiar with the bitterness that...

Fourth Sunday in Lent: Dawn

O God our guide and daily delight, We are like the dawn, created to welcome the sun but inclined to yearn for the night. In your brilliance, command our attention with imagination and new revelation. We are like the dawn, indistinct and unclear on the truth, waiting...

Sunday Prayer

Breathtaking God, Ever-Gracious God, you who call new worlds into being, you who make peace between the wolf and the lamb: You are wonderful … and you leave us wondering. O LORD, hear our prayer. We experience you in contradictions. You are the wild hope of our...

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