Sunday Prayer

O Blessed Mystery, O Triune Puzzle, grant us the wisdom to be at peace with questions rather than contriving explanations. We strive to prove ourselves with a show of truth, but the glory of Wisdom — of One who sang the distant stars into being and who rocks the...

Advent 12/22/12

Did you hesitate, O Holy One, when you looked at the state of things and imagined the pain of immersing yourself in it? Did you debate with yourself when you saw across the expense of time and realized that we wouldn’t change much in the long run? Did you...

Advent 12/5/12

My soul is troubled, O my God, tied in knots and tossing. You are giving birth and I am a nervous midwife. (Not even a midwife, who would have the calm words and strong hands to encourage new life.) Is this, then, the meaning of Advent: to be constantly checking the...


On bright days when the paths look clear and I am feeling confident of my footsteps, I can easily forget that there is still a fog or that my outlook is fuzzy with my humanity (like wearing smudged glasses without knowing it). Yet on those days that feel hazy with...

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