With every flight and every new city,
I am mercifully one step farther away from you
in miles, in memories, in fresh molecules of air
on my skin to erase any traceĀ of your breath.

[Where can I go from your spirit?
How far can I flee from your presence?]

Cleveland. Orlando. Chicago.
United. Delta. American.
And out of the skies: highways and byways
from city to suburb to country. Keep going.

[If I fly as far as the sunset,
if I hide beneath the ocean,
even there you find me.]

Let me leave you. Find a new heart to haunt.
You have no use for my rising or my sleeping,
and I have no use for your secrets, no matter how holy;
they elude but ensnare me. You are not playing fair.

[You surround my thoughts, my living, my being.
I am helpless as your hand & your eye behold me.]

Chase someone else with your ridiculous love;
find a new quest to win, a new enemy to test
but depart from me if you care at all…
…and I will depart
and depart and
depart until
I am all

on Psalm 139


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