1 Corinthians 13 for Workaholics

For the overworked, the stressed-out, the stretched-too-thin, the full-time-with-a-side-hustle, the workaholic, the can’t-stop-or-the-ends-won’t-meet, and the all-I-value-about-myself-is-productivity, a prayerful reminder: If I do all. the. things. but...


If I am zealous in faith but do know not peace, I am a dangerous firebrand. If I kneel before the LORD but cannot stand beside my neighbor, I am a self-righteous Judas. If I preach “Christ is near” but shame those who cry to Jesus, I am a false and jealous...


What example shall I be, O LORD, for the blessing of your name? If an example of grace, I might be tempted to idolize and (try to) enact a perfect persona. If an example of faith, I might fold doubt beneath my coat or tuck it into my pockets like cold hands in winter,...

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