Glorious God, Merciful God:
we humble ourselves before you,
grateful for your brilliance … lamenting our failings,
glad in your goodness … longing for our redemption.

Each day, we look to you and we watch the world
for symbols of your grace and love:
the potter who makes and molds and creates (1)
reminding us of renewal;
the mother who senses our secrets and bleeds with life (2)
pointing us toward love;
the tree that yields fruit and thrives by a stream of water (3)
encouraging us through seasons;
the paths before us and the ways of our ancestors (4)
guiding our steps.

Signs surround us,
and we are grateful.

We pray for signs & symbols
to bring hope in a cynical world,
to bring comfort to hurting people,
to highlight beauty even in the shadows.
Let those signs & symbols illuminate our lives
and let them also be us in everything we say and do.

We pray in the name of
the One who reveals the God of Ages.


referencing texts from the Revised Common Lectionary:
(1) Jeremiah 18:1-11
(2) Psalm 139
(3) Psalm 1
(4) Deuteronomy 30:15-20

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