Glory, O God, all glory to you
from the highest mountains
to the wildest oceans
and in every heart.

You are precious to us, Most Holy God,
our wellspring of life and our source of comfort.
You are beautiful in the world around us
and in the faces of friends & strangers.
Who are we that you love us,
yet you do and with a faithfulness
that startles our doubts & relieves our fears.

Grant us faith upon faith, joy upon joy,
and courage beyond understanding.

You mean the world to us, Dear Jesus,
our hearts’ desire and our teacher.
Before the ferocity of your truth we humble ourselves;
by the light of your love we find one another.
We follow you in wonder
because you have changed our lives.
Be abundant in us & around us to change the world.

Grant us faith upon faith, joy upon joy,
and courage beyond understanding.

You capture our imaginations, Sweet Spirit,
you who are our baptism and our vision.
By your mystery, we share in God’s purpose;
by your power, we are one family with all people.
We welcome your healing among us and within us.
We pray that you anoint us with holy hope
for this journey is long and the needs are great.

Grant us faith upon faith, joy upon joy,
and courage beyond understanding.
To your glory, we pray. Amen.

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