In fellowship with one another and with the Spirit, we pray:

Christ our Shepherd, God our Home,
in you we place our fears and faith;
in you we rest our worries and heartaches.

Along your winding pathways,
we are surprised and amazed.

By your still clear pools,
we find satisfaction and rest.

With your redirection,
our lives bring glory to you.

At shared table with our aggravators,
we discover ourselves in one another.

Through turmoil and trouble, crisis and danger,
you remain unwaveringly beside us.

You are our wonder and our longing,
our daily amazement and our persistent questions.

Call us by your mercy
to generosity of service.

Call us by your ever-flowing grace
to faithfulness in following you.

Call us by your imagination
to visions of a beautiful kin-dom for all creation.

Christ our Shepherd, God our Home,
dwelling in your house we are at peace with ourselves
and one another, no more to wander from your paths of peace.

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