If I am but a drop of water cascading from a mountain and reflecting the rainbow of your beauty, I am delighted and deeply satisfied.

Photo by r.g.h.

Photo by r.g.h.

If I am but a leaf that has served its time and has nothing left to do but drift & fall on the gentleness of your winds, I am glad and grateful.

Photo by F.J.

Photo by F.J.

If I am but one step along the journey, unable to see beginning or end but only to greet travelers for this one moment, I am humbled and joyful.

Photo by R.G.H.

Photo by r.g.h.

If I am but one note in your eternal song, O God, singing my slip of a grace note while celestial bodies trumpet their chorus, I am thrilled and at peace.

Photo by F.J.

on Psalm 95:1

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