Are you not your own strongest critic, O God, more disciplined in character than the whole assembly of gods?

For your demand of yourself adherence to the ancient covenant, though generation after generation we cast our promises to you into the fire and dance wildly about it.

You do not merely strive after faithfulness as we do, as though it can be caught or gained; you are faithful by nature.

You love fiercely through transgression and injury, a ferocity paralleled by the blaze of your outrage and the torrent of your mercy.

You call us to account for our self- and other-destruction, yet you hold yourself to such a standard of life that you restrain yourself from holy devastation, even though it is our due.

Preserve your reputation as only you can, Most Righteous God, for we cannot defend it; we are merely your adorers, and as best we can, we would love you always.

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