The Lamb of God has come, alleluia!

The Son of Man is born, alleluia!

The Redemption of the World is revealed, alleluia!

By your name, O Jesus, we are glad
and through your life we are satisfied.
The prophets see you and rejoice;
the powerful recognize you and flee.
We are fools to stand in your presence
yet we join the mountains and trees,
sea monsters and stars in rejoicing: alleluia!

Basking in your presence, we will not keep silent.
Compelled by your good news, we will not keep silent.
Until earth’s praise is echoed in the peace of all people,
until every face is recognized as the beauty of God,
until a mighty horn breaks every strain of oppression,
until the fires of baptism expunge our pride,
until love is undeterred, we will not keep silent: alleluia!

You are our joy and we are your glory.
Through you is promise and within us is hope.
Send us out from this year in peace;
bless all that has departed from us
whether through regret or relief.
Call us into the new year with joy
to radiate the wonder of you: alleluia!

The Lamb of God has come, alleluia!

The Son of Man is born, alleluia!

The Redemption of the World is revealed, alleluia! Amen.

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