The Call (Isaiah 49:1-7)

Listen to me, O coastlands!Hear the story of my call, O mountains!The LORD called me even before I had a name;God gave me a callbefore I could walk or crawl or even suck my thumb.The Creating God sharpened my tongue for truthbut also invited me to draw close and...

Snowed In

O Creator of Seasons,clear space to find mewhere I am buried and overwhelmed,snowed in, in mind and body and spirit.Shovel through the busyness and white noise,through the stress of circumstances,until the sun streams into brighten my soul.Spread salt to secure my...

Baptism of Christ meets Social Responsibility

Jesus came to John to be baptized by him. John tried to prevent him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you; why would you come to me for baptism?” But Jesus answered him, “Please do it, for this is the proper way to be right with God.” So John...

The Blessing (Isaiah 42:1-9)

Listen to these words of comfort, this blessing, this call from God through Isaiah; let it surround you like a refreshing wave of baptismal water and embolden your living:You are mine, my child whom I uphold;you are my chosen, in whom my soul delights.I have put my...

Why I Pray with a Pen (and Why You Might Too!)

At the end of this month, my book Writing to God: 40 Days of Praying with My Pen comes out from Paraclete Press. I’ve dreamed of and worked on publishing a book for years, so this is incredibly exciting … and enormously humbling, as I receive feedback from...

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