Our praise and prayers, our hopes and heartaches
are found in the shadow of your love, O God.
We come to you to see who we are and
to catch a vision of who we may become.
It’s too easy to listen to news, to look in mirrors,
and to resign ourselves to the belief that this world
looks nothing like you, that humanity looks nothing like you.
But you — O God of the galaxies, God of the ancestors,
God of the cross and God of the empty tomb —
you have worked too hard on love
for us to fail to see ourselves in your image
for us to fail to live into the image of beloved community.
We pray for the joyful freedom to know to our core
and to proclaim to the farthest reaches
your goodness and mercy.
Let the assurance of your love
be the foundation of reconciliation
and justice for all people. Amen and amen.

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