For the hope that You can bring about a new thing,
for the knowledge that You have already done it:
we give thanks with a deep breath.

For the ways that we have walked and wandered,
for the journeys that You set before us now:
we give thanks with a deep breath.

For the many tears that have marked these days and years,
for the friends and the grace that have dried them:
we give thanks with a deep breath.

For the return of the Word in flesh, in love, in glory,
for the Echo that calls us ever onward,
we give thanks with a deep breath.

For the dance that calls us to rest from work,
for the shout of lament that returns us to the work again,
we give thanks and we take a deep breath.

For snow and fog and rain that seem to slow our worlds,
for flood, storm and quake that tremble the earth,
we give thanks and we take a deep breath.

For light that reveals truth and comforts fear,
for shadows that allow questions and welcome seekers,
we give thanks with a deep breath.

For all that we have learned by head and heart,
for all that we do not know and for surprises still to come,
we give thanks with a deep & humble breath.

For every beginning, each new dawn and each new calendar,
for every end, beyond which You always remain,
we give thanks with a deep breath.

For faith and proclamation,
for doubt and despair,
we give thanks
and with a deep breath
we trust that You are in all & through all,
full of grace and healing and love and power. Amen.

cross-posted at RevGalBlogPals

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