Be pleased to love us, O God our God,
as the mother hen loves her chicks,
as the bread loves to nourish the hungry.

Be pleased to love us, O God our God,
for love is your essence and character,
hospitality and creativity are your way of being.

Be pleased to love us, O God our God,
though our faithfulness is fickle
and our compassion suffers from impatience.

Be pleased to love us, O God our God,
with tenderness when our hearts are broken,
with righteous rage when our ways are destructive.

Be pleased to love us, O God our God,
through the terrors of the night
and into the dawn of hope.

Be pleased to love us, O God our God,
and our tongues will be loose with praise
like rocks that have found their voice.

Be pleased to love us, O God our God,
until all life is love,
until all wisdom is peace.


cross-posted at RevGalBlogPals

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