We turn to you, O God, our companion and our confidence,
turn to you and return to you like a rich feast
for you alone restore our lives,
you alone nourish our days.
All hope and all goodness come by you
though we strive in vain for
self-sufficiency and self-glory
in hopes that we might store up
personal treasures to ease our anxious nights.
But the night comes and goes in its own time;
the sun rises and sets not by our hand but by yours.
So help us to trust in your daily abundance,
help us to welcome life with curiosity,
to work against evil without fatigue,
and to walk with one another in faith.
Turn our struggle into generosity,
make of our breath a song,
out of our offerings reap a harvest.
These things we pray in the power of your name.

cross-posted at RevGalBlogPals

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