We pray with our hearts open,
our hands outstretched,
and our eyes upturned,
for we know nothing is hidden from you.

You, O God, know the seasons of our lives
and the turning of the earth. You know
the mysteries of the ocean depths and
the complexities of the galaxies.
You can lift us up; you can bring us to naught.
With you and in you, there is always enough
— and not merely enough, but an abundance.

So be abundant, we pray, and
heal the brokenhearted,
lift the downtrodden,
bind up the wounded,
call to the lost and the disenfranchised,
cast wickedness from our hearts and our habits,
and salve the earth in its despair.

We pray all this with hope and humility,
confessing: truly you are the Son of God.
Amen and amen.

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