O people, hope in the Holy One
in whom there is steadfastness
and with whom there is healing!

Blessed be the One whose heart is attentive to pain
with compassion and accountability.

Blessed be the One from whom nothing is hidden,
though we create our own shadows.

Blessed be the One who is undeterred by fear,
who does not resent our vulnerability.

O people, hope in the Holy One
in whom there is steadfastness
and with whom there is healing!

Blessed be the One who weaves new miracles,
who sews back together what has been torn.

Blessed be the One who does not lose heart
despite our raging chaos.

Blessed be the One whose mystery is infinite,
whose wonder is eternal.

O people, hope in the Holy One
in whom there is steadfastness
and with whom there is healing!

Blessed be the One who calls us beloved,
who wraps us like children in lullabies.

Blessed be the One in whom there is freedom
to be and to know and to change.

Blessed be the One to whom all is owed
who does not hold us in debt.

O people, hope in the Holy One
in whom there is steadfastness
and with whom there is healing!

on the refrain of Psalm 130:7

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