Shall it always be, O God,
that one be given favor and
the other be cast to wilderness?
Must it be that one alone may feast
while his brother scrambles for crumbs;
that a sister dances and twirls with delight
while her twin laments amidst ashes?
What justice is it
if there is only one blessing
(and a stolen blessing at that)
to be parsed and parceled
among the schemers?
What good is God
if not one blessing is reserved
for those who come last, those
cut out and cast out, for those who
never even make it to the seat of blessing?
At long last, O God, be abundant
— be fair, finally —
in gifting favor to Esau
alongside Jacob, to Leah
as well as her sister Rachel.
Have integrity, Blessing God,
and multiply crumbs into feasts,
let ashes be swept aside for a dance.
Do not let yourself be limited — let there not be
only one

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