Apr 2, 2017 | Lent, prayer, resurrection
Bone upon bone, I build a prayer. Give it breath, O Spirit. I wait for hope like the sleepless wait for morning. I long for grace like lovers long for embrace. I listen for your voice like springtime listens for the robin. I bring flesh to meet spirit like tears meet...
Mar 28, 2017 | blessing, Lent, prayer, resurrection
The seeds of tears growing impossibly as a harvest of joy. You did this. The storms of disappointment yielding impossibly to the radiance of blessings. You did this. The long winter of fear thawing impossibly for a spring of solidarity. You did this. May all that...
Mar 20, 2017 | blessing, Lent, prayer, resurrection
I bless the earth for nurturing the daffodil in secret until the robins are ready to herald its cheery bloom. I bless the spring peepers for freezing solid in wintery woods to wait faithfully until the early spring thaw beckons love’s chorus. I bless the sun for...
Feb 26, 2016 | grace, Lent, nature, prayer, resurrection
My God and my delight, my rock and my blessing: you who can grow a daffodil where a thorn has been planted, you who can dance with new life after death has decreed its sentence: help my spirit watch eagerly for your love though my mind expects your absence; tune my...
Apr 5, 2015 | Easter, Jesus, prayer, resurrection
Come, Lord Jesus! For three days and an eternity we have been languishing — come, Lord Jesus! Set among us your rich feast where all are fed and comforted. Come, Lord Jesus! Do not hide in the tomb or the garden but be unrestrained & boldly marvelous. Come,...
Apr 25, 2014 | Easter, hope, joy, poem, resurrection
Tell me a story of butterflies and daffodils of thin places and reassuring angels. Tell me a story of miracles and love of strolling through gardens with lions and lambs. Tell me a story of resurrection dawning of rains refreshing, of tombs bursting with life. Tell me...