Just for Us

Now the apostles and the believers who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also accepted the word of God. So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers criticized him, saying, “Why did you go to uncircumcised men and eat with them?” – Acts 11:1-3...

Protest (A Psalm)

The Holy One has been rejected so that routine might not be disrupted. Cry out, O Brokenhearted! The Holy One has suffered so that the murderer might walk free. Cry out, O Brokenbodied! Raise your lament, all you who are witnesses. Do not hold back your rage before...


a sermon on Genesis 21:8-21 and Romans 6:1b-11, preached at Christ Episcopal Church (Shaker Hts OH) There is no nuance to it. There is no middle ground, there are not “both sides.” Sarah is in the wrong. Hagar is in the right. Sarah is wrong for oppressing Hagar,...


Incline yourself like a dread warrior toward those you love, O Holy One. Count the hairs on the heads of Robert Fuller, Malcolm Harsch, Dominique Alexander, and comfort those terrorized by racism’s awful fruit. Hear the cries of the children. Hear the cries of...

Divest and Defund

The white Church is long overdue to acknowledge and repent of its theological fostering of, financial contribution to & gain from, continued complicity and silence in the face of racism. Long overdue. The work of acknowledgment is, I suggest, the preliminary work...

By the Oaks of Mamre

Stay awhile, O Stranger, for the night has been long and cruel and our souls are not yet wrung dry from weeping. Stay awhile, O Stranger, for the fires are raging on cultic altars built to sacrifice precious fruit to ravenous gods. Stay awhile, O Stranger, for the day...

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