Feb 20, 2018 | joy, Lent, peace, poem
Humility. Remember the dusty Holiness of humanity that has no need to accumulate treasures. Peace. Remember the simplicity of Peace that welcomes grace and returns the same tenfold. Sorrow. Remember the certainty of the Wilderness and patiently walk with someone...
Sep 1, 2017 | peace, poem, prayer
Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry, rest and dream of what may be. When you wake a song shall fly of God’s good work to set us free: From fear and fray to joy’s display, ne’er overwhelmed by evil’s forces. From mine to yours restitution outpours...
Dec 27, 2015 | Christmas, music, poem
Lully, lullay, thou little tiny child bye bye we say this day. Lully, lullay, thou little tiny child bye bye along your way. O brothers, all, see how death falls; let anger be displayed, and to this child wrapped in a shawl sing you lully lullay. Dear sisters, too,...
Dec 8, 2015 | Advent, confession, poem, theodicy
It does not matter, not now or in the end, whether God means us well or ill, For what wrath could God rain that we have not already poured on one another? And what good could God wrest from the clutches of the few to bless the many? Let the Savior spare Himself from...
Dec 5, 2015 | Advent, poem
Starting tomorrow, Continuing today, Finishing yesterday. Birthing later, Dying now, Renewing before. With judgment in the by and by, Surrender while the sun still shines, Plowshares once upon a time. Delight when the mountains are made low, Peace when the waters...
Oct 23, 2015 | Advent, hope, joy, love, peace, poem
someday there will be hope and so this day i will spin its fairy tale without snark or cynicism with only imagination and trust in what God can do someday there will be peace and so this day i will welcome a stranger i will let my heart break to read the news i...