Easter Sunday

Now Life is unencumbered by Death. Let my feet & my heart skip freely! Now Life is not overcast by shadows. Let my eyes weep to welcome the sun! Now Life is not hidden in caves and tombs. Let my soul stop seeking and rejoice to recognize! Alleluia! There is...

Palm Sunday

For today at least, let us spare these rocks the trouble of shouting: “Blessed are you, O Christ, sent by God and sent of God, and blessed are we to lay our praises before you like cloaks on the ground. Blessed is the dust on your feet for its knowledge of your...

Monday Muse: Doubt after Easter

The Sunday after Easter — officially the Second Sunday of the Easter season — is known as many things in different contexts: Holy Humor Sunday, Bright Sunday, guest-preacher-in-the-pulpit-while-pastor-is-on-vacation Sunday. In the Revised Common Lectionary...

Easter Sunday

Come, Lord Jesus! For three days and an eternity we have been languishing — come, Lord Jesus! Set among us your rich feast where all are fed and comforted. Come, Lord Jesus! Do not hide in the tomb or the garden but be unrestrained & boldly marvelous. Come,...


The spiritual practice of lectio divina is a contemplative style of reading Scripture, a prayerful listening to a biblical passage and to our souls’ response to that passage, accompanied by an attention to God’s presence. (Here is BeliefNet’s...

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