Dec 9, 2015 | Advent, communion, courage, love
Come close: for rage has dawned instead of the sun and blood has flowed in the riverbeds. Come close: for fear grows faster than a weed and loneliness swarms like locust. Come close: if death is coming (or if God comes first) let it find us together. With love...
Aug 7, 2015 | courage, love, scripture
I am. Terribly so. Fear steals my breath and entangles my soul. There is no release, no grace, only nightmares of suffocating because love is lost because the world is dying yet still she tries to be her own salvation still I try to be my own resurrection and life....
Jul 3, 2015 | courage, justice, psalm, racism
Would that demons could be sweet-talked into release, that the perfect petition correct niceties best biblical treatise purest sacrifice would send them fleeing over the cliffs. Then the President would sing, then Bree would climb freely, then the sweet by-and-by...
Feb 13, 2015 | courage, faith, hope, justice, prayer
I pray a double portion of spirit and again another for the days are long and the nights drenched with tears too many mothers weeping too many men raging and spirit is needed to keep my ears open, my eyes unblinded, my heart broken A double portion I pray for the...
Sep 5, 2014 | courage, scripture
Thus says the LORD: This is the beginning. It shall have the look of death — you will see blood and hear screams as you scurry to do the last things the final preparations that come with death. But be not afraid. This is the beginning. Hush your children from...
Apr 3, 2014 | confession, courage, Lent, prayer
We cannot (I cannot) face this day without your help. There is too much suffering, too much violence, too much pain unanswered, too much chaos, too much, far too much like the earliest days of creation when all was disarray, tumult, and God had to create space and...