Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” – 1 Corinthians 12:21 (NRSV)  Actually, the eye can say to the hand, “I have no need of you.” The eye can discern texture without the hand, after...

Cause for Alarm

In my social media feed, there’s a funny video of an emu overreacting to a loud noise by running haphazardly around the pasture with panicked energy, its legs churning, its neck swinging in high alert. A voiceover for the emu shouts: “They’re coming for the eggs!...

Divest and Defund

The white Church is long overdue to acknowledge and repent of its theological fostering of, financial contribution to & gain from, continued complicity and silence in the face of racism. Long overdue. The work of acknowledgment is, I suggest, the preliminary work...


What the hell do any of us know, O Eternal Mystery? While we worship constancy and might, mountains melt and remold like wax. While we sing hymns in echoing caverns, the Spirit waits upon those in prison. While we pray to love our enemies, the Church itself nurtures...

Kids and Prayer (Summer Sunday School)

Have you entered your name in this week’s giveaway drawing to win a free copy of the Kids and Prayer DVD? This fun resource, with four kid-friendly episodes about the basics of prayer, is a $50 value for your church or home library to support important...
Kids and Prayer (VBS)

Kids and Prayer (VBS)

It’s giveaway week for my Kids and Prayer DVD, a fun & creative resource in which I host four kid-friendly episodes about the basics of prayer. A $50 value, free for your home or church library! Enter to win by sending me an email with the subject...

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