Is today the day you’re coming, Jesus? Today would certainly be a good day in the world for you to make an appearance. Today before another child dies. Today before another mother wails in anguish. Today before another door is closed, another wall is built. Today before hatred corrupts another heart. Today before love is lost forever in the tsunami of fear.

Is today the day you’re coming, Jesus? Today would be a great day in my life for you to make an appearance. Today before wonder fails to spark hope. Today before I stop believing. Today before words are flung in frustration. Today before the mortar dries to cement the bricks in this wall I am always building. Today before love is lost forever. Today before I am lost forever.

Is today the day you’re coming, Jesus? Today would really be an ideal day for you to make your appearance to the Church. Today before death sends us running away from life. Today before doctrine becomes an armor, before faith becomes a weapon. Today before we forget how to sing together, pray together, break bread together. Today before we lock our doors against the world. Today before love is lost forever.

Is today the day you’re coming, Jesus?

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