Lent 2

O God of symphonies and silence,Fine-tune my ears to hear your harmonies woven between the drone of rushing cars along the highway and the subtle treble songs of birds hidden in the trees.Fine-tune my soul to hear the major chords of eternal triumph swelling through...

Still Reflecting on Ash Wednesday?

The CCblogs network offers a variety of reflections for Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten season. You might also find a blog at CCblogs to follow regularly as part of your Lenten devotions!

Lent 1 (Ash Wednesday)

O God, I am not one who gives up—not in the face of a challenge,rarely in the course of an argument,not even for the ritual of Lent—you have, after all, knit stubbornness firmly intothis creature of dust!But this year, I am ready(uncertain, perhaps, but...


Still the end of the day comes, still the darkness falls and Orion rises, and a glass of wine does not draw me any closer to communion with You. I am torn between guilt-induced prayer to bridge this silent chasm . . . and mindless silence to turn prayerfully,...

Minding Our Motives: Redemption

A friend read my “Minding Our Motives” post and recalled a familiar triusm: The road to hell is paved with good intentions.So, if the road of white racism—by which I mean, well-intentioned-but-oblivious white prejudice and acquiescence to systemic...

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