
My flavor is lost and my spirit is faint within me, but o my God, surely this salt of humanity can still be scattered on the ground to melt the ice we fear. My light is dim and my flesh is so very weary, but o my God, surely this lowly lamp can still hold one shadow...


My heart turns and returns to your nest, Most Holy Love, Most Divine Imagination: Turning and returning on the wings of both wanderlust and satisfaction, Turning and returning on the road of my heart’s impatience and joy. My soul turns and returns to your altar,...


So close to your glory, O God, and yet so very far. Rachel’s lament fills our ears from a shul in Monsey, NY to spiked underpasses in London. So close to your glory, O God, and yet so very far. Rachel’s cries resound among the Uygur in Xinjiang, China and...


How is it that my Lord can love me from the depths of hell to the heights of heaven? How has it come to pass that I am the beloved of the Sovereign of angels, the Commander of the dawn?  Yet there is the sun — a sign in the east — greeting me across the...


Lead us to the water, O Spirit, calm in a pool or flowing in a river or pounding down a waterfall. Lead us to the water where we can bathe, splash, leap and laugh, rinse and relax, soak for hours, until violence is washed clean from our skin and defensiveness is eased...

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