Here we are, O LORD, coming before you,
your people waiting and watching for your Spirit
to descend upon us…but gently, we pray; just enough
Spirit to get us through the day and not so much
to cause us discomfort or inconvenience.

We are dipping our toes in the Water,
truth be told, while you long to flood us
with a full immersion baptism of the Spirit.
So we hold our breath, we open our hearts,
and we welcome your Spirit as we pray:

To be covered, swept away, and changed
by the Holy Water that is the source of all life;
To be refreshed and strengthened for the journey;
To be washed by the wave of reconciliation
that bursts & breaks by the Spirit’s power.

We pray to be converted constantly —
mind, body and soul — by the ultimate hope
of God’s goodness. We pray to be measured by grace
and to offer the same measure to all we meet.
We pray for healing and comfort.

We pray that the world might have
a vision, a revelation of God’s unlimited love.
We seek to be part of it, like raindrops becoming
part of the river, streaming over the earth
in one holy and uniting baptism.


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