From familiar and comfortable spaces, you call us: Go.

In the dead of night when questions burn, you invite us: Come.

Where there is flesh and fellowship, you beckon us: Draw near.

Coming and going. Gathering and parting. Growing and grieving. We are so keenly aware, O God, that life does not stand still. Life moves us. Life changes us. And so do you. You coax and command, you question and reckon, you do not leave us unchanged.

We hold in our hearts and before you all those who are experiencing the stresses and heartaches of life’s changes: those in mourning, those without hope, those who are alone, those who are bone-weary.

We share the joy and we offer thanksgiving alongside those who are braving new adventures, those who are welcoming new life, those who are affirming love, those who are striding with others toward justice.

In all of life, in all of our travels, in all of our doubts, and in all of our endeavors; as you call us and send us, welcome us and keep us; above all else, you do not leave us. No matter the changes, you remain. We praise you, Gracious God.


A prayer on today’s lectionary readings (both Revised and Narrative).

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