Blessed are you, one of another,
and most blessed is the other
with whom you are one.

Blessed is the rock and holy is the river,
and beautiful are the shapes & spaces
they cannot make without the other.

Blessed is the breath and holy is the heart,
and precious are the life & community
that depend intimately upon them.

Blessed is the suffering and holy is the rebellion,
and fearsome are the lessons of recreation
they demonstrate to the cruel & greedy.

Blessed is the quarry and holy is the ground,
and beloved are the paths between them
from hewn to buried, without escape.

Blessed is the knowledge and holy is the mystery,
and fragile are the revelations they inspire
to heal & to divide one from another.

Blessed is the grace and holy is the hope,
and miraculous are the relationships
& survival they make possible.

Blessed are you, one of another,
and most blessed is the other
with whom you are one.

on today’s Revised Common Lectionary texts;
cross-posted at RevGalBlogPals

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