How shall we approach you, O God, through this season of reflection? We aim to be honest, we strive to welcome the unknown along this journey, yet we are tempted to hide our doubts and insecurities behind ritual and Lenten discipline.

Dare we ask with Mary and Martha in their mourning: “Jesus, where are you?” Dare we wonder with Eve as she explores the garden: “What can I do?” and “Why?” Dare we set aside our hunger for certainty and taste your mystery, beyond bread alone?

We have questions that we do not know if faith is equipped to handle. Teach us peace in uncertainty and confidence in unknowing, we pray. Remind us that you are life’s hope and expectation, not its simplification.

Deliver us from our short tempers and our need for instant gratification. Release us from the pride of judgment and the vanity of righteousness. Through all things, knead our spirits to new pliancy and renewed grace.

A prayer on today’s lectionary readings (both Revised and Narrative).

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