“If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” (Romans 12:18)

O God of gods,
Light of all life,
Conductor of galaxies,
Holy Mover of mountains
and Rhythm of the high seas,
I have the most trivial prayer:
for patience with the neighbor
who doesn’t pick up
her dog’s poop.

It’s ridiculous, I know, terribly trite —
and yet I allow the sight of it to prick
my soul and irritate my whole day;
I observe it ungraciously & aloud
and my kids copy my irritation
instead of learning grace
and a peaceable spirit.

It’s just a dog — your creature.
It’s just poop — dirt for the earth.
It’s just a shoe — easily washed.

You have better things to do
than to help me with this.
I have better things to do
than to be annoyed.
The world may not hinge upon
my spirit of peace toward this neighbor

and yet

and yet

this, too, is an opportunity for peace.
Remind me to take the opportunity,
every stinkin’ time I see it. Sigh…

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