Why Pause?

“Think before you speak.” Such a simple admonition to be mindful with our words is easier said than done — not merely because we are hasty or lack an attentive spirit, but because we’re not accustomed to thinking about our words at all....

This and That and Neither

Thankful for the contradictions that are life, for the incongruities that provoke life for the thrill and the weariness, the captivation and yes the frustration Thankful for the sturdy rock of holy precepts and for the eroding spring of divine grace for manna from the...

Sunday Prayer

Before and behind, without and within surround us, O God. Stretch out your hand to lift us up to call us out. Be our sanctuary and our wilderness, our foundation and our trembling. Before and behind, without and within overtake us, O God, with a flood of grace. In our...

Not Enough Time

Modern American life has conflated the end of time — that is, the eschaton — with everyday time. We are living each day in a panic as though it is the last day. We are scurrying through each hour as though it is the only hour for work or rest or play or...

Lent 19

Hold a coal to my lips, O LORD, and sink your teeth into my tongue lest my words form without thought or attention. Sear falsehoods from my mouth. Silence my words and let my actions be of service to your Word and to your Work of faithfulness. Let my mouth not speak...

Stretching a Stiff Spirit

“What is common to all of us is the spiritual block: the experience of spiritual stiffness, the soul’s standstill in the midst of life’s unfolding, that place where the air is stale except perhaps for a recurring mirage. The reasons for finding...

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