White Women, Sarah, and Hagar

Dear white sisters, We are long overdue in examining, confronting, and upsetting our significant role in the systemic racism of American culture. The six women who acquitted George Zimmerman demonstrated the pattern of behavior that we white women have exhibited...

Lent 28

I’ve heard that, when a broken bone heals itself poorly or improperly, doctors must break it again and set it in place so that it heals as it should. O my God, we have let our bones heal in such a way that their misalignment has crippled the whole body …...

What Our Kids Read In Church

Cross-posted from the PCC Sacred Conversation on Race blog:I was surprised and frankly discouraged yesterday when my daughter, chattering away in the car as we traveled to-and-from soccer practice, said confidently that she imagines God to be a white man in his early...

Minding Our Motives: Redemption

A friend read my “Minding Our Motives” post and recalled a familiar triusm: The road to hell is paved with good intentions.So, if the road of white racism—by which I mean, well-intentioned-but-oblivious white prejudice and acquiescence to systemic...

Minding Our Motives

Four days ago, I posted this short commentary on the Penn Central Conference (UCC)’s Sacred Conversation on Race blog:Checking Our White “Savior Complex”In the scramble to send personnel and resources to Haiti, it is important to critically analyze...

KKK in Eden

An open letter to the resident on Euclid Drive with cone-shaped ghost figurines in the front lawn: Dear Sir or Madam, Please reconsider the ghost decorations on your lawn. With their cone frames draped in white cloth, I could’ve sworn as I drove by your home...

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