I Cannot Fly

I cannot fly, O God of the soaring eagle; I cannot even leap with a dancer’s grace. But today I can wake and I can rise, and perhaps the strong wind will remind me not to be so rooted in fear. I cannot measure up, O God of the starry heavens; I cannot even...

Song of the Prophet Mary

Let this breath be an insight into your glory and this flesh be alive with your joy — for who else is so powerful yet so merciful as to be revealed through me for the sake of blessing? It is the same One whose name is told through generations and whispered in...

As Far as the Western Sea

Not me, O Life, but us. Not mine, O Life, but ours. As far as the eastern horizon, as far as the western sea, all that is and all that can be. Not us or them, O Life, but every. Not us or theirs, O Life, but all’s. From the first wisp of dust to its final...


You have said to me, “Come,” but you have left me to wander in search of your desired “where.” You have named me, “Blessed,” but you have been unrelenting with every trial on my life. You have said to me, “Be still and...

Thunder and Lightning

Spare us, Most Holy One, from the rolling thunder of your voice as it quakes our weary souls and sends us scurrying for lesser comforts. Let our comforts not be secondary gods, false idols, exploitation or cruelty or jealousy or lies. Spare us, Most Holy One, from the...

Dear God: Do Better

During the day when I’m in trouble I look for my Lord. At night my hands are still outstretched and don’t grow numb; my whole being refuses to be comforted. I remember God and I moan. I complain, and my spirit grows tired. – Psalm 77:2-3 (CEB) There are...

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