
Tell me a story of love that grows like an apple tree; and anyone can stop to rest in its shade or relieve the gnaw of despair with its fruit; and there are no illusions that it’s pristine & pretty because everyone knows apple trees are gnarled with tight,...


Happy are those who meditate on love. love multiplying in raindrops love growing in spring love singing in harmony love wrestling through mystery love waiting in silence love racing over distance love draping with radiance Happy are those who meditate on love. (Psalm...


I saw you trying to catch my eye, trying to hold my gaze long enough for the shields to drop, but you were too late — or perhaps too early — and I could not meet you honestly. I chased after you, to be sure, and I called your name, but I kept my distance...


What example shall I be, O LORD, for the blessing of your name? If an example of grace, I might be tempted to idolize and (try to) enact a perfect persona. If an example of faith, I might fold doubt beneath my coat or tuck it into my pockets like cold hands in winter,...


In the face of fear, love is here and love is enough. Through the midst of trouble, peace is abiding and peace is enough. When the path is uncertain, faith is attendant and faith is enough. Between regret and lament, joy is surprising and joy is enough. ‘Til the...


Close to You, I am close to tears for Your beauty moves me like a sunrise, like a baby’s breath, like the second movement of Beethoven’s seventh and never will I be able to fully articulate how Your grace renders my heart useless except to cry. I miss You...

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