
Answer us, we dare pray, O God of our groaning. Reclaim what has been cast away, O God of our weariness. Seek out the pieces of our hearts, lest they be scattered by the wind. In your goodness, let there be a light to keep us company as we cry. In your mercy, let...


Still earth storms and trembles. Still nations war and rage. Still people hate and denigrate. Where is Your deliverance, O LORD? Where is Your help and Your strength? Where is the promised transformation? Still we boast and bicker. Still we deplete and doubt. Still we...

30,000 Feet

From 30,000 feet in the air, you do not look like an image of God. You barely look like the landscape, and the landscape is just a background to the video game of drone warfare.  From 30,000 feet in the air, your tears are only a poster image to convict my prayers....

Crying Out

I struggle for You it seems impossible — or is it terribly predictable — that You are not here time is without purpose without You reach across the depths, God, call me Yours again call me beloved again call again on Psalm...

Holy Innocents

I pray at your feet, Child of Aleppo, seeking mercy for my ignorance and unyielding heart. I pray at your feet, Child of Eritrea, seeking forgiveness for the violence of global capitalism. I pray at your feet, Child of Bethlehem, seeking pardon and consolation through...

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