It’s Not about the Bread

Jesus said to the disciples, “Watch out, and beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” They said to one another, “It is because we have brought no bread.” Jesus said, “How could you fail to perceive that I was not speaking about bread?” – Matthew...

Cedar Logs

Another sign, O Spirit, please — another sign. You have poured the oil for a healing sign, and it is good. You have struck up music for a joyous sign, and it is good. You have gathered warriors for an encouraging sign, and it is good. I have felt the soft oil,...

Giants & Storms & Fears, Oh My!

There is Goliath, o my God, and there and there! Do not let my heart fail before these giants in trust that even giants are limited. The wind is rising, o my God, and the waves are crashing! Do not let my peace be broken or my faith swept away, secure in knowing I too...


We want, O Shepherd — how much we want! To be esteemed, to be secure, to be carefree, and we hoard to fill our insatiable egos. Feed us with the unlimited harvest of love, in all and through all and for all. We are tired, O Shepherd. Let us lie down, guard us as...


To make my way to the Source, I pray, and to understand how it carves through the rock and reshapes the earth along its holy path; I pray to meet the One who loves the path — its movement more than its destination — and to learn the patience of unknown...


Your promises I welcome, numerous and good, but the blamelessness I simply cannot manage. Perhaps, O Perfection, we can come to a different arrangement? I could give you my fear and awe — easily; my name and faith, too — several times over; but human...

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