The Friar of Carcassonne

File this book under: There is nothing new under the sun. Also file this book under: Must read. Written by historian Stephen O’Shea, The Friar of Carcassonne: Revolt Against the Inquisition in the Last Days of the Cathars is a fascinating and thorough dive into...

Upcoming Events

In the coming weeks and months, catch up with me at the following events: VBS FOR CHURCH LEADERS 2015: June 15-18 As part of the Center for Progressive Renewal’s weeklong webinar series for church leaders, I’ll be hosting an hour-long webinar on Tuesday,...

Monday Muse: Portrait of a Survivor

“Cheap reconciliation generates further injustice. True reconciliation implies accountability. True reconciliation means recognition of genocides and reparations.” ~ His Holiness Aram I, speaking at the National Cathedral earlier this month 2015 marks the...

There’s a Woman in the Pulpit

There are books about ministry that are theoretical. There are books about ministry that are practical. There are books about ministry that are methodological. This is a book about ministry that is personal. Deeply and beautifully personal. Personal as in: persons...

Monday Muse: Hear My Prayer

Listen. Sssssshhhh. Really, just listen. Listen to the Psalms. Listen to all one hundred fifty of these ancient prayers — one psalm after another, one voice after another, without music or interlude, without commentary or homily. Just ssssshhh, listen and let...

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