A thousand burnt offerings, O Wisdom,
not given in shame or self-righteousness
but in a flood of awe: You are beautiful.
A thousand burnt offerings, O Wisdom,
to bring incense to the table you set
for those humble enough to drink there.
A thousand burnt offerings, O Wisdom,
and may their smoke be a bitter cloud
to the enemies of truth and goodness.
A thousand burnt offerings
and then a thousand more:
until hearts burn with love
and no longer scorch the earth,
until tongues taste abundance
without hoarding from others,
until every body knows peace
and has no need to cause war.
A thousand burnt offerings, O Wisdom,
in adoration for all that is not known
and all that might still be revealed.
Beautiful Rachel…
Thank you!!!! Truly appreciated this prayer today as we watch and are “witnesses” to ALL that is unfolding in Afghanistan.😔😢 and Haiti.