Go Tell It

Tell it, o mountain, and say it, o hills, that God is steadfast always & everywhere. Tell it, o river, and say it, o streams, that God is neverending always & everywhere. Sing it, o sunrise, and shout it, o clouds, that God is imaginative always &...

In the beginning…

…was a sound, a silence, a consonant, a vowel, a mumble, a sigh, a shout. In the beginning was an idea, a possibility, an urge and an urgency, a compulsion, a wonder, a love. In the beginning was the Word, the Creation, the Articulation, the Invitation, the...

For Love

For love of your justice, O God, keep your promise to comfort the mourning and relieve the oppressed. For love of your dream, O God, keep your promise to fill our tongues with joy and bring peace among the nations. For love of your light, O God, keep your promise to...


For release from jealousy and an obligation to contentment, I pray to the God of peace. For reprieve from cynicism and a commitment to curiosity, I pray to the God of hope. For freedom from desolation and renewed dedication to community, I pray to the God of love. For...


“Peace! Peace” I pray repeatedly, “Peace!” but there is no peace that is not Yours; there is no joy I can claim that’s not Your joy; there is not a victory to be had that isn’t Your triumph; there is no grace I can find absent Your...

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