1st Sunday in Lent

“God be with you” — the least and yet the very best I can offer you, friend, on your journey. And if you offer the same in return — “God be with you” — then maybe we can walk together trusting in the knowledge that God keeps...

Lent 4

Let me take this small step: to delight in a snowflake to marvel in the formation of crystals to stare in wonder as it clings to a hibernating branch that had otherwise believed itself homely. Yes, the beauty of the snowflake is enough for today. on Psalm 104:24,...

Lent 3

The day that the LORD has made: rejoice! I want terribly to please you in this day you made. I want to make something to signify that my part in this day is worthwhile. I want to be a maker, a producer of value, of meaning, of substance, of words and emails and books...

Lent 2

I cannot fast on my own, neither can I eat in solitude. I cannot greet the morning nor survive the night alone. I cannot seek God’s holy face but hide myself from yours. I cannot adore God by myself neither can I repent without you. I cannot close my eyes in...

Ash Wednesday (Lent 1)

With a sigh and a muffled sob, I set down my ashes: this fragile life, this fragile ego, these vain illusions of all that I might do…might have…might be. With a sigh and twinge of regret, I set down my ashes: dreams I have chased, wounds I have clung to,...

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