Believing Thomas

I believe in Jesus when my feet sink into the sands alongside the pulsing ocean. I believe in Jesus when I breathe deeply in a pine forest my footsteps quiet to listen for the wind. I believe in Jesus when I see a group of men shooting the breeze early in the morning...

Monday Muse: Doubt after Easter

The Sunday after Easter — officially the Second Sunday of the Easter season — is known as many things in different contexts: Holy Humor Sunday, Bright Sunday, guest-preacher-in-the-pulpit-while-pastor-is-on-vacation Sunday. In the Revised Common Lectionary...

Easter Sunday

Come, Lord Jesus! For three days and an eternity we have been languishing — come, Lord Jesus! Set among us your rich feast where all are fed and comforted. Come, Lord Jesus! Do not hide in the tomb or the garden but be unrestrained & boldly marvelous. Come,...

Lent 40 (Holy Saturday)

Let us be together in the silence of memories . . . I remember the pleasure of his company around a table with friends bread crust crumbling in our fingers . . . There was the day I was sinking, overwhelmed by the storm, but there he was — as if catching me was...

Lent 39 (Good Friday)

You are true to your word even to the point of death. Who really does that anymore? You are the First and Last Word, the holy action and now: the brutal consequence. You are the Word that heals a salve from the tongue a welcome whisper in my ear You are the expression...

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