
“Blessed” is my statement of faithand “Blessed” is my thanksgiving.Blessed by the mystery when God is hiddenand blessed to be ever within God’s sight.Blessed to walk this twisting pathand blessed to fall upon the Rock.Blessed to wait for...


“If and when we ourselves can ever cease to consume every moment, every person, every event, every experience for ourselves, God can prevail in us.” (from Illuminated Life: Monastic Wisdom for Seekers of Light by Joan Chittister)


Usually I ask you to fill me up, to pour over me, to satisfy my thirst and saturate my spirit, to infiltrate and permeate my life, to top off my cup and run over. But these days I’m already full. Way too full. Maxed out, loaded, gorged even, topped off with so...

Across The Water

Let the storm be stilled of all its raging so my praise might echo clearly across the water. For God has guided me thus far; God’s love and grace have been unfailing. When the waves mounted impossibly, the LORD of Life did not let me drown. Every time the wind...

All Saints Day

I give Thee thanksfor saints and souls.Let my tears be accompaniedby a chorus of Hallelujahs.For saints and soulslike the man with white hair, a farm,and a joyful banjowho left a legacy of faith;for saints and soulslike the woman with healing handsand a gentle...

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