
May I walk in this day as though with bare feet: more attuned to the cold and to the extravagance of my comforts, more inclined to splash playfully in puddles than to avoid them, more sensitive to the toe-stubbing-stones that we so casually toss into one others’...

Lent 27

I send out a prayer like a tree branch(stretching,turning,multiplying,sun-seeking,arms reaching)for resurrection to burst into full bloomwhere life has been harsh and bare, wherefruitfulness has been forced into hibernation.

Lent 26

You surprise me, Holy God,with love that is both passionate and gentle,with grace that is attentive and motivating,peace that is strong but unassuming (even vulnerable).You surprise me, Holy God,every time.

Lent 25

… in the unknown …surely God is with us,surely God is with me… in the longing …surely God is with us,surely God is with me… in the hope …surely God is with us,surely God is with me… in the uncontainable shout-out-loud joy...

Writing to God: News

It’s exciting (and humbling, and still surprising) to hear about and to read news of how people’s prayer lives are being shaped and encouraged by Writing to God. Here’s a snippet from a Lutheran pastor in Minnesota, a recommendation of the book as a...

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